Monday, June 21, 2010

4 Years

I love the song, “Where the Streets have no name” by U2.

Every time I hear that song, my hearts wants to dance....exactly how I feel right now in my journey.

Dancing to praise God for continual paths of healing....

It was 4 years ago this summer that I confronted my abuser - needless to say it has been a journey that has been more than a roller coaster...and all I can say right now is I’m dancing...

Dancing to praise God for allowing me to stay vulnerable with Ken - which in turns allows him to an amazing soulmate, protector, listener (this sounds sweet but for ken to be the amazing man he is to me, I can’t tell you how often I have to break through my walls of silence and bear my soul to him...ah - such moments of war within myself)

Dancing to praise God for allowing me to rest in Him - and not anger & materialism

Dancing to praise God for helping me to expose lies....lies like I have to do something to prove myself; prove myself acceptable, prove myself worthy....


Dancing to of my favorite verses of Truth is:

I have not been given the spirit of fear but the spirit of power, love & sound mind. 2 Timothy 1:7

I don’t know when but I do know one day I will be dancing...Dancing in a place that has streets with no names!

Sweetest blessings from my heart to yours!