Friday, April 24, 2009

Vulnerable Trust

This week I chased my biggest idol - spending. Another way to say it, I chased false control, which boils down to a lack of trust in God for me. It was also no coincidence I knew God was tugging my heart to trust Him with 'my' children. I came face to face with that because if Sophie was to do AOA with Cole next year, I needed to order her materials this week- which really showed me I could no longer rely on a fantastic prep school to school either of my children.

And yet once I purchased all of the materials, and on one side was like "What in the world are we doing?" - the other side of me felt more freedom than I have experienced all year...

I feel like a child sometimes...kicking and screaming and not wanting to follow Gods leading in my path - because my reasons always seem so just - and then when I finally surrender and obey, my heart has more freedom than I knew was possible to carry.

This journey will definitely be a new direction for the four of us but who said life needed to lived by the books? Sometimes I feel like I treat my kids like products, and forget they are not in a box, nor do they want to become comfortable in a box.

Parenting to strengthen my childrens voices can be emotionally exhausting and time consuming at times; but to keep them in the box would be silencing their passions and voices that God gave them before they were given to Ken & I.

My biggest passion in life is to be a voice for the voiceless...and once again, God is showing me there are two voices that are more important than the millions of voices being silenced right now. I hope this story can encourage you to fight for the more important people in your life, no matter what the journey entails you to undertake for them. And as I say that, I daily have to remind myself to vulnerably rest in freedom while not is so bittersweet...

Before I close today, a quick note to my lover: no and I will always come before our 2 angels - no matter what type of 'car' they are driving for school!!

Sweet blessings from my heart to yours today.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009



Many friends are wondering where the name came from!

Jane: my mother's middle name - my priceless example of what it means to stay true to my heart & fight for it, regardless the cost.

Cherise: one of my middle names.

Together JaneCherise means:

"dear one, God is gracious"

Sweet blessings from my heart to yours!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

My Castles

Each week I build 'sandcastles' in my mind...sometimes they last a few months, sometimes a few days, and other times just sandcastles...they appear to stand firm and tall until a wave gently washes them away to nothing.

This past week my 'sandcastle' was thinking I would go see this new doctor, who was suppose to be the best in Atlanta...I made an appt, 'excited' to see what new answer this doctor would give me, and in my mind I was peaceful...Until a nurse called and said this doctor is not taking any new that moment my 'sandcastle' was washed away...I lost all hope and was discouraged.

That night I laughed....I thought how is it my hope was all lost when I say I trust God to provide for me and I trust God to take care of me...In a nut shell, at that moment, I saw how weak my faith is and how little I really trust in God in taking of me...and then I thought to of the verse..."have faith as small as a mustard seed...."

I'm lifted up again - not in the hope of doctors this time but in the name of my Creator that is not surprised by anything that happens in my life and is able to take care of me in ways unimaginable.

Sweet blessings!

Friday, April 3, 2009

The Miracle

With Easter around the corner, I am thinking more and more about the significance of this miraculous Holiday.

Thank you Jesus. Thank you for dying on the cross for my sins, most of all for my sins of the heart. I don't think I will ever realize what a gift that is - The truth that each day I wake up with Your mercies and Your grace is more than sufficient is something I will never be able to comprehend...the idea of someone hanging on 'my cross' so I have eternal life and freedom in this present journey is beyond believable at times.

I hope this truth reigns over so many lies that try to become comfortable in my head: the pain I have endured is greater than any freedom Christ is able to give my soul - my acceptance in Christ is not based on my good works but His amazing sovereign covenant He gave me before time began.....

Happy Easter! And Happy Easter to anyone who is still discovering who God is or wonders if there even is a God... I hope for us all this season is an incredible reminder it is not about us but about having an intimate relationship with Christ...honoring and enjoying God and His creation each day He gives us!

Sweet blessings from my heart to yours!