Saturday, July 18, 2009

3 books

3 books I hope Sophie & Cole read someday on their own:

1.The Search for Significance: Seeing your worth through God's eyes

*I love the JOURNAL that goes a long with this. It is a 60 day journal. Short, sweet, real...10-15 mins a day.

This journal had a quick way of getting to the core of my soul and challenging every truth/lie that settles in my soul, and challenging my actions and energies each day. It also had a way of exposing false layers of worth that I was hanging onto and didn't realize at the time.

If you are at any spot in your journey looking for emotional freedom, do the journal.

Right now I am doing the youth verson with my daughter every Tuesday night. This past year I led a small group but this summer I am realizing with home schooling my darlings, they are my 'small group' and for outreach - that is my passion - will be organic this fall...making cookies and taking it to the homeless...I want my kids to see they don't need to wait for a mission trip or a serivce weekend to reach beyond the walls of their homes.

2.Parenting with Love & Logic: Teaching Children Responsibility

Anyone with children younger than 12: Get the book. This book has wisdom beyond it years.

3.It Is Not Okay With Me.

Every soul needs to read this book. This book is the picture of living life to the fullest.

Be vulnerable & enjoy!!

Sweet blessings from my heart to yours.

1 comment:

Kristi J said...

thanks for commenting on my blog..I haven't read far enough back yet to hear what type of abuse you endured, but I'm so proud of you for sharing this blog to help show others that God heals!! What a beautifully strong thing you are teaching others...My sister, kelly, also posts about her own abuse as a teen when she was the victim of a stranger abduction...and how she turned to life to amazing..thanks again for stopping by, kristi