Friday, May 8, 2009

Two Boats

My dear friend Trish just wrote a post about our friendship...the type of friendship that is 20 years old.

2 girls...2 different a small town, one a city girl...2 different boats riding the waves through life...I love it because between the years both of us have lived in different cities throughout the world and today we are both back in a place where we found each other 20 years ago: I'm living in a city and she is back living in a small town. I just told her last night on the phone, I miss her town and the people in it.

What I marvel the most about of our friendship that started 20 years ago, Tricia 13 and myself 12, God has showed me though this gift of friendship, is a close picture of His unconditional love and support for me - us - regardless of where I am at in life.

Trish has embraced me in every stage in my life. She has embraced me when I have been a fantastic friend and traveled across the world to visit her and when I have been a friend that remembered her birthday in the 12th hour. Her support to me has never been based on how many times we see each other, how many times we talk, how many gifts we get each other, how many things we do for each other...And the times in life when I take big leaps, I know she will be one of the first cheerleaders cheering me on, and also one of the first to stop cheering if she senses I'm heading down the wrong road....bottom line, her friendship with me has never been based if we are riding in the same boat or if our boats are even going in the same direction...It is the picture of unconditional friendship.

Two boats - regardless where we are heading in each of our boats, we know no matter where are in life - we are never rowing alone because there is always going to be another boat in the ocean ready to row beside the other boat...just like Jesus...never leaving me alone and always waiting to walk beside me and protect me through life.

Sweet blessings of 20 years of unconditional friendship from Atlanta to Mediapolis.

1 comment:

Mouseymom said...

I am blessed to have you as my friend! I love you and your family. It sure has been fun "cruisin" with you!

