Friday, January 9, 2009

Lis & Amb

This past week I have been sentimental with thoughts of my sisters - who they are as individuals, how beautiful they are, the life they have created for themselves, and the kindness they show me. My youngest sister is having twin girls soon- which will give her 3 girls - and I can't help but think of my two sisters and I growing up together like my 3 darling nieces will be.

I adore my sisters, and I can say at times I wouldn't have always said that. There are very few people in life who have created the depth of joy and the depth of hurt my sisters have created for me. When I think of the many adventures we have been on together, and have put each other through, it is an act of grace on each of our parts our love is able to conquor all. I know the author of that grace, that each of us give to each other daily is our Creator. A Creator that knew before time we would be the perfect sisters for each other.

Its funny, most families have a sibling who is a "Lion" or "Beaver" etc. However, like my mom has always stated, my parents raised 3 first born's - we all like to be in charge! I am amazed of how we get a long besides we would all rather stay up late than get up at the crack of dawn!

On the other hand... One red head, one brunette and one blond. They enjoy a smaller town, I love urban life (in spite of my place at Reynolds Plantation). They love to ride horses - I'd rather let a horse take me on a carriage ride - One would rather vacation in the mountains, I'd take a beach any day - One would rather embrace the gray hairs that come with wisdom and I've yet to surrender to mine - Both have been brave enough to camp and even admit they love camping, I've yet to try it (the idea of camping makes me nausous) - One would rather creatively put a new dessert together for friends and I'd rather support the local bakery - One was born enjoying the art of 'simplicity' and the idea of 'constant change' seems 'simple' to me - One would rather embrace an "organized chaos" house with 5 precious children and my one daughter and one boy are perfect for me. The list goes on...We are the definition sisters: sometimes we are so opposite that people wonder how we are family and the next moment we are finishing each other's sentences.

Lis & Amb have taught me more about life than almost anyone else. They taught me the joy of true friendship, unconditional love, the power of honesty, the art of 'disciplined living' and the art of 'bumming'. They taught me the gift of fighting for someone you love, the significance of celebrating milestones, and perhaps the most important, they taught me the freedom of forgiveness.

Thank you, Alisa & Amber for sticking with me, particularly when I know loving me back as a sister has been more than trying at times over the years. Perhaps the sweetest gift of sisters is I know there are always friends a phone call a way, no matter what. Both of them have given me books on "sisterhood" over the years. One of my favorite sayings is from a book "Sisters". "If I ever seem to take you for granted: Forgive me."

I love you forever and feel like the most blessed sister - right in between you two.


Amber said...

i love you too aim . . .thanks ; )

Anonymous said...

I truly believe God has put us all together as a family for a reason - and cherish each of you. I am thankful we can go with each other on the mountain tops and through the valleys in this journey of life. Your gifts, grace, prayers and endless and uncondtional love are precious. love you forever and ever, mom

Anonymous said...

amy cherise...i love you too! thank YOU for all YOUR unconditional love, sharpening, encouragement and forgiveness :) you and amber are both gifts from God...and i love you immensely!