I recently had some ladies over at my house. These ladies are not your typical ladies. Some people would look at them and say "They need help" - knowing they are from an in house therapy program. But I look at these ladies and say "Wow". They have passion in their life, courage to change old habits that once silenced their souls and confidence to learn to put on new shoes. How many individuals are willing to drop what they are doing in life, possessions and all, and humbly admit, "I need help...I can't do it on my own..I want to become stronger in my journey..."
One of the ladies shared her journey. Soul wrenching. Adopted as a young girl and then abused by her 'brother'. Another lady shared through tears how her father abused her. Shame. Isolation. Powerless. Empty. Stories were shared, all unique in their own but all at some point had moments of anger, sorrow, bitterness, resentment....and...all had the point in their story of hope.
To see the ladies stand tall because of the hope they held inside of themselves reminded me, once again, no matter the hell, no matter how dark the darkness gets, there is always hope. Sometimes that doesn't come as fast as I'd like, but hope is always there - whether we want to acknowledge its presence or not. So many times, I underestimate God. I underestimate his ability to heal...and when the times of pain come back to me I remind myself - Gods healing is more powerful that any pain I have and will ever experience.
Lets stand tall. We are serving a God that created our souls to blossom - and yes, sometimes that means pain a long the way -but really they are times to show us how vulnerable we are without our all-knowing creator!
God bless you today, and the ladies that were at my house, no matter where you are on your journey.
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