CJ consistently has a heart to share his joys with others - particularly with his Sissy. He is always ready to give his heart - his best - no holding back ...beyond that his heart is willing to trust.
Watching him for 8 years has taught me the beauty of sharing all of my heart with God - and trusting - no holding back - giving God my best. And knowing when I have disappointments - God is still sharing his mercy and grace with me every moment. He never stops orchestrating my world for His glory.
When I share the joy of following God’s Truth with others - it somehow reminds me how powerful His Hand continues to be in my life as I continue on my journey. It is easy for me to become self reliant when I don’t feel that ‘broken’. However - as soon as I am on my knees again - as soon as something is ‘out of my control’ I am reminded - its not my self made joy but the joy that God shares with me that enables me to walk freely in life.
I find myself praying this week....
“God......Please remind me how fragile I am with out Your Joy. Please remind me without the power of Your Joy, You share with me each day - I will never have fulfilling joy but only short lived joy. Thank you for sharing Your Grace, Your life with me - so I can share Your Joy with others freely - just like Cole shares so freely...God - I need you, I need you desperately to share Your Joy with me....”
Sweetest Blessings from my heart to yours.